Wednesday, December 29, 2010

An Analysis of the Books I Read in 2009 aka Nerd Alert II

Books read: 59 (Disappointed in myself, you guys. I blame grad school!)
  • Average # books read/month: 5.5
  • Non-fiction: 7 (12%)
  • Fiction: 32 (54%)
  • YA Fiction: 20 (34%)
  • Books by male authors: 37.5 (63.5%) *
  • Books by female authors: 21.5 (36.4%)
  • Disliked: 19 (32%)
  • Ambivalent about/Sort of liked: 15 (25%)
  • Actively enjoyed: 25 (42%)
By Genre
  • Sci-Fi/Fantasy: 5
  • Zombie: 4
  • Graphic novels: 4
  • Spiritual: 3
  • Mystery/Thriller: 9
  • Poetry: 1
  • Historical Fiction: 4
  • Short story collections/Anthologies: 4
  • Contemporary fiction: 8-ish
  • Books about food: 0 (SHOCKING!)
  • Science: 0 (Wow. Lame!)
  • Biography/Auto-biography: 1
  • Horror (non-Zombiefied): 7
  • Classics: 0.5 *
  • Romance (barf): 7
*Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was half-written by a woman (J.Austen) and half by a dude. It was also half a classic, and half zombies. FYI, the combination produced a mediocre whole.

Compared to 2008:
  • I read 12 fewer books. My true nerdery is revealed by how much this fact sincerely bothers me! I also read less non-fiction! Sad.
  • I disliked more and actively enjoyed fewer of the books I read this year, percentage-wise. How depressing. But I was also ambivalent about fewer than last year, so maybe this just means I became less wishy-washy.
  • Last year I read 0 zombie books, this year I sought them out and read 4…but none were that great. Still: they are cooler than vampires.
  • I can’t believe I went a year without reading any food or science books! I resolve to not let this continue through 2010 (in 2008 I read 4 and 2, respectively).
Notes & Superlatives:
  • I had a class this year on YA literature, so that took over my reading list for a while. It introduced me to some great books, but also forced me to read things like Seventeenth Summer and Boy Meets Boy, two saccharine romances that I could have lived without. So it totally skewed my list and took time away from other books I wanted to read. I got an “A” though, so it was worth it.
  • Some common themes were: dystopias, plagues, missing/murdered children (disturbing!), Buddhism. My reading was very disjointed and random this year.
  • Favorite book of 2009 (Fiction) = The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff (I read it all the way back in January, sheesh)
  • Special category! Favorite YA book of 2009 (Fiction) = TIE : The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff
  • Favorite book of 2009 (Non-fiction) = Bonk: The Curious Couple of Science and Sex by Mary Roach
  • Least favorite of 2009 = TIE: Dymond in the Rough by Precious (YA) and The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
  • Funniest book of 2009: John Hodgman takes it two years in a row, this year with More Information Than You Require. Well done, Mr. Hodgman! The aforementioned Dymond in the Rough almost stole it from him, but it was disqualified since it was only unintentionally hilarious.
  • Saddest book of 2009: Another year, another dead dog! The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski. Bonus sadness points for basically being Hamlet. With dogs.
  • Scariest book of 2009: Promise Not to Tell: A Novel by Jennifer Mcmahon. Creepy ghost child!!!
Upon review, 2009 was kind of a crappy year for me and books, both in quality and quantity. I am starting 2010 off with the new Stephen King, so that bodes well! Oh, you’re too good for one of the best-selling novelists of all time? He won an O. Henry award, what have you done?! Ahem.

To 2010! May it be full of excellent reading for you and your loved ones. Turn off the TV.

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