Saturday, January 22, 2011


Airport book. About a 2 hour flight long. Definitely requires the old imagination to stretttttch a bit at times, but I kept turning those pages. The basic premise is a dysfunctional family in a small town wins the mega mega mega millions, and some drifters (or grifters? I wouldn't want to paint all drifters with the same brush, I'm sure there are nice ones out there) get wind of it and one of them decides to "encourage" the family to split their winnings with him. The problem with having a psychopath as one of your main characters is that the reader has to deal with pages of crazy ramblings. They get old. Still, some authors can handle it better than others, and this guy was able to edge things closer to the Stephen King end of the scale, as opposed to the Dean Koontz end.

3 psycho rambling monologues about God and destiny and evil out of 5.

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