Sunday, February 12, 2012

Zone One

Oh this book is great. Zombie novel-y enough to keep a buffoon like me entertained, but smart enough to make me feel smug reading it on the subway. In other words, this book is like:
  • Donuts accompanied by 18 year old Glenfiddich
  • Watching an amusing and, yet, incredibly moving and poignant Pixar movie. So, all of them, except Cars & Cars 2 (the headlights should be the eyes! The headlights!)
  • Spending all afternoon reading Star magazines at the nail salon while getting a super classy French manicure
  • Taking B.S. college classes like Pop Culture Studies where the homework is watching The Simpsons.
Read this book and fall in love with the Zombie novel again! I bet that quote makes the back cover of the paperback edition, mark my words.

4 out of 5 metaphors showing us that WE ARE THE ZOMBIES omg my liiiiiiiiife!

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