Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Art of Fielding

This book is so wonderful and lovely, you should all read it.

"But Jane I don't like baseball -"

Okay, first of all: how very un-American of you. This country was cobbled together in a baseball dugout from cherry pie filling and bald eagle sweat. Still, even freedom-haters like you will find yourself engrossed in this bittersweet story set in a small Midwestern college. It's "about" baseball in the same way Moby Dick is "about" whale watching - it's all about the characters, knucklehead! Also there are a ton of Moby Dick references (the protagonist is named Henry Skrimshander. Skrimshander! Epic character names 101, have a goddamned seat).

If you are a human, reading this book will involve nodding along, chuckling, and maybe wiping away a tear, all while your inner monologue is saying over and over again: "I know that feel, bro."

This was Harbach's first novel I CAN'T EVEN.

5 out of 5 navy & ecru striped school ties.

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