Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Like your top five favorite movies or books, everyone has their top conspiracy theory Wikipedia entries.

Mine are:

The Vril (because don't you think it's a little bit suspicious that we NEVER hear ANYTHING about subterranean societies of matriarchal socialist utopian superior beings? I mean, what are you trying to hide mainstream media????)


The Philadelphia Experiment (because INVISIBLE!)

Still, they might not make it into your dinner party conversations as much as your desert island reading list because most conspiracy theories are actually pretty grim. For every wacky cloaked battleship or subterranean super being there's ten evil governments killing their own citizens to incite a world war.

Jon Ronson treads the delicate line between absurd and upsetting perfectly in this non-fiction account of "adventures with extremists," just like he did with his fantastic account of psychopaths and the people who exist around them like bugs to be squashed. He tracks down the Bilderberg Group*, hangs out with gun-happy militiamen, and pamphlets London with a rotund Islamic radical. He even experiences the "new" KKK ("now with 50% fewer calories!") and gets to try on their fancy robes, which, for a Jewish guy, was probably quite the harrowing experience.

Bottom line, I love Jon Ronson and everything he writes. Break out your tinfoil hat and start looking over your shoulder - this book is great.

5 shape-shifting, blood-drinking, half lizard Queen Mums (RIP) out of 5!

*Bilderberg Group, really? Come on - if you're ruling the world secretly can't you have a better name like, the Covert Underground Nocturnal Team of Powerful Occult Wiccan Evil Rogues? Think about it...

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