Monday, January 27, 2014

We Interrupt These Book Reviews for a Mildly Interesting Announcement

Hi, friends. 2014 is the year of baring my SOUL to the internet, I guess, so I am now bringing you unfettered access to my reading life. I only share a fraction of the books I read every year on this blog, for various reasons - if I can't figure out how to sum up my feelings about a read, if I really don't have many feelings about a read, or, frankly, if I am embarrassed about a read, it doesn't end up on the blog.

But I do keep track of everything, because I'm a nerd and spreadsheets are my friends. So, if you want to see what I'm reading about that doesn't get featured, you can now follow along: Jane's Book Tracker. It's organized by year, so hit the tab(s) at the bottom to navigate.

New reviews coming soon.

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